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Task object is one of the most important system objects


  • Mark is calculated from the mark pattern defined for the area. However, user can use its own mark
  • Once set, mark cannot be changed
  • Tasks with mark cannot be deleted (only with the client).

Implementation notes

User linked with task

Detail uses call:
{"name":"Participants","type":"view","box":7, "a":"=``form.tskRelTaskUser.list.taskUsers(oID = ${obj.ID})``"}
it is necessary way how to allow participant to have editable field of his participation even when he has no editable right for task.

How is selected responsible of the new task

Role should be defined in the task definition

Automatically created task

Person is found:

  • When role has only single member, that is selected
  • When role has manager, that
  • The person that has the least of the task created from the task definition

Manually created task

User should select the responsible. It offers members of the linked role