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TSK module releases

Rel 5.65 – 1. 9. 2023

Improvements & Simplifications

  • Gantt diagram for project planning and full support for projetct baselines.
  • Reminders for invitations are sent automatically and user does not have to send them manually

Bug repairs

  • Action/meeting manager and responsible have rights to delete action even when they have no project/area manager reole

Rel 5.65 – 1. 5. 2023


Kanban views for tasks – person-related Kanban, Project-related kanban

Rel 5.65 – 1. 2. 2023

Support for simple movement information and requirement in the tree structure

Requirements, informations, plans and other objects newly support fast movement of several selected object under newly selected root.

Objects under single root supports removing. After remove, objects are placed as a standalone in the same project or area.

Rel 5.64 – 5.10.2022

Requirements improvement

Requirement documentation newly reminds verification criteria. It fulfils the ASPICE practice:
SYS.2.BP5: Develop verification criteria. Develop the verification criteria for each system requirement that define the qualitative and quantitative measures for the verification of a requirement.

List of requirements newly contains columns with list of linked objects – separately columns with links coming to the requirement and going from the requirements. Special columns also display in which configuration bundles is requirements stored.

Copying files to the new version of object

When use creates a new version of requirement or product, system also copies all stored documents from former version to the new one. It is based on a new functionality so that file is physically stored only once but system creates and manages more links to the same stored file.

Configuration management support

AyMINE newly for common configuration items show in which configuration item are they stored. Objects like requirements, plans, products and others have new column in the list of objects that displays all bundles were the item was placed.

Rel 5.59 – 31.8.2022

User reminder improvements

User reminders supports flags and notes. User that has got a reminder can mark them with a flag, add a user comment and easily postpone the reminder for later processing.

User comments to the reminders are private (as well as user notes to any other object) regardless that the reminder itself are visible for anyone with access to the related object.

User reminders newly shows picture of the reminder author (if he/she has the picture uploaded in the system).

PDF report improvement

Reports to the PDF for major objects are improved and other are updated continuously. Particularly, tsk module utilise new AyMINE functionality that support specification of the report content. User can select parts included in the report.

Common sections used by the tsk module are:

  • Information about the activities realised with object
  • Include subordinated objects (like sub-task under the task)
  • Attach object files to the PDF

Other report parts are supported by reports individually and specifically according to the report content.

Meetings improvement

Meeting agenda newly set the person who has started the meetings (manager or deputy) as available on the meeting. However, he should have the invitation.


  • Reminders linked with object were not visible

Rel 5.57 – 15.7.2022

Problem object

  • Problem has new optional link to the person who reported problem. Person could be system user or a person from the address book (CRM module)
  • Problem workflow was simplified. It automatically skips the verification step if a problem is resolved by responsible person.

Requirement object

Requirement workflow was simplified in the same way as the problem workflow. The requirement processing automatically skips the verification step if the requirement analysis is completed by person responsible for responsible. (Remember, that requirement analysis is mostly provided by task and the task defines the verification and approval steps.)

Risk object

  • New methods and filters now supports risk cancel and return risk to the active risks

Note: former changes are in the common list of releases for complete application.