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Client-defined counters

Implementation of the system counters

Clients can manages values of the counters that are linked with object attributes. Client cannot create or define new counter, all client counters are defined by module configuration (in the m_Conf file):

__Client-defined counters section:

   "clientEnums": {


There are several types of the counters. Neither of them currently supports translation of the strings so that all client employes see strings in the language how they are defined.

Flat counters with short values – flatShort

Values could be up to the 20 characters long. Values are stored directly to the field, that reference them. When client changes the counter definition, the filled values are not affected.

User cannot change value from the counter inserted to the field although it technically could be possible (values is stored everywhere where it was placed.)

Usage example: Type of the emplyee absence

Counters with short values could also be used as multiple-values counters. Fields for multiple value coutners should be long enough to include all short values. Typically the field is 100 – 120 characters long and user can select up to 5 values with the 20 characters.

Fields in the multiple-value counters are always filled with all values selected from counter.

Usage example: Tags of the project requirements

Flat counters with long values

Counters with long values (up to the 80 charactes) are used for short default strings insereted to the description items.

Usage example: Reasons, why some task is rejected

User can user the pre-defined string from long-text counter, modify it or even write it's own text.

Tree counters

Tree counters are used in different way. They creates hierarchical list of values and user select value from a tree. Value is not stored in the field where it was selected but the field stores link to the value in the tree. When administrator rename the field in the counter a new value is visible in the field. If admininstrator deletes the filed, values becomes invalid.

Each counter field could have name long up to the 80 charactes and can have as many child as necessary.