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Commands run.<command>

Run commands are used in the orchestration string to manage basic processing operations.

They are processed by the AyMINE application and AyMINE server independently and list of the available functionally may differ between procesing environment.

The page describes the AyMINE Application methods.

Command process.method(method=)

Methods evaluates method from object and uses the result of evaluation to manager further script processing


Let's expect the following global object method

   "checkSave":"= obj.signerID ? true : {'status':'Error', message:lang.get('missingSigner') }"

Method checks if object has defined signer. If its hasn't function returns error message

The commands in the object can call the evaluation:


When operation is called, it evaluates the method and returns true when signer is filled. Object is available for processing

the method could be even simpler but without specific error message:

   "checkSave":"= obj.signerID"

it returns the true / false if signer is filled. (However, this method makes no sense, because the condition can be used directly instead of the run.methods call)


process.method can be used when system should evaluate complex condition and make decision how to manage further steps. The exmple is used the make specific object control during the save. Operation is called when user saves the object:


Usage notes

  • Warning: When script is called from the list with no selection or mutliple items selections it has got the parent object. Operation will look for the method there not in the object from which operation is called.
  • Command invokes evaluation of the global object method. Local view-base method could not be called.
  • Object method is used as a evaluation string. run.method does not activate object method evaluation

Command run.operation(operation=)

Command starts global object operation as a subprocess of the operation from which it is called


"= attr.selectNothing ? 'run.operation(oper=newFreeTaskFor)' : false",

The command line checks if the attr.selectNothing is set and if yes, start the command run.operation(oper=newFreeTaskFor). If not nothing is made and process continues.


Example is typical and intended usage model – some sub process cans be started always or in some cases.

Usage notes

  • Warning: When script is called from the list with no selection or mutliple items selections it has got the parent object. Operation will look for the operation there not in the object from which operation is called.
  • Command invokes evaluation of the global object operation. Local view-base operations could not be called this way.
  • Shorter attribute oper is also allowed: run.operation(oper=)


Command generate return command. Function is used to generate specific return for user.

Be carefull: when not used as a latest command in the script list, the script continues to the next command. Use list.stop command to stop the processing


Command return the commond error message without any explanation of the error reason.