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frm Module counters

Technical notes about the system counters defined by the frm module.

Counter fields are not listed in this documentation. See the frm/enum file for actual values of each counter.

Object type

Counter specifies type of the application objects. Short values from the counter are used in the jsonc object description in the field about->type.

Only business objects are listed to the user, objects of other types are managed as invisible.


Counter used with system events. Status is set by the backend event messaging. Values and translation from the counter are visible in the overview of the processed events.

Not intended to be used generally


Counter designed to be generally used for description of the process status. Not internally used by the frm module


Counter translate actual object status. Used with application lock for object.

Counter is module internal and not designed for general used.


Reason why system administrator kills the object lock. Used only for documentation purposes.

Counter is module internal and not designed for general used.


Counter used in the system settings. Logically more system-related than framework-related counter, nevertheless, settings are internally used by the AyMINE Application which i part of the framework.

Not designed to be used elsewhere.


Counter for general used to set the object-related operation rights. Counter is not used internally by the module.

mediumTimeInterval, longTimeInterval

Both counters are used to simplify settings data intervals to the fields.

Values in the counters are valid interval definitions for PHP back-end function. More values could be added to the counters but values should be consistent with the PHP interval syntax.


The most default object state. Use the values from counter or extend the counter with its own values, but keep logic of the status from the counter.


Technically the counter is equal with former counter (defObjStatus). The only difference between them is in translations. This one has translation for passive objects (like object, problem etc.) whilst the former is for active objects (like activity, event).

Major difference between both counters are the active state:

  • Passive objects are "active" and have icon
  • Active objects are "running" and have icon

Back-end does not distinguish between the counters.


Type of the database. Used internally by back-end to distinguish databases. Open for new values if more databases are supported.

Counter is available for usage by application module but only in case that the selection relates with database used by system. Counter is not general list of existing databases, but list of databases that the AyMINE can link with.


Type of file is used to distinguish between various types of files stored in the system.

Counter can be extended without any consequences in the back-end or front-end. Values and icons are defined only for better user navigation in the list of stored files.