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Predefined process areas

Supported process areas are defined by counter with fix values. The counter can be easily extended for new business areas.

Technically the areas are defined by sys/extMsgProcessType counter. The areas are used not only for real process areas but also to distinguish type of the messages.

Personal data

Data that are managed personally by a person who has them in the area. They are out of any formal system processing and have strong access protection

Web Request

The area process new requests from web that has no other specific process. Typically, ordinary questions and processing general form on the company web.


Process of the order management including orders from various sources

The area related with orders provides access to the orders but also price lists and offers.

External helpdesk

Helpdesk serves for clients, users or employees of clients. Generally, for all who are outside the company and uses products or services

Area related with the helpdesk provides methods for SLA management, ticket management and ticket evaluation.

Internal helpdesk

Management of the internal requests for various kinds. Typically requests related with the office supplement, system configuration, technical equipment support etc.

Quality assurance

All task related with the generally company-wide quality management. Areas concentrates problems and solutions managed by the QA department.


Management of all processes related with the personal data protection


Management of the whistleblowing calls and their processing

Staffer & Candidates

Data and processes related with the staffer (Human resource management) but also with the candidate management.

Management of other areas

The list does not contain all internal processes but those that are linked with message gateways and communication channels that should be distinguished each other.

Other areas like production, PR, CRM – marketing could have their own areas as well, but system does not separate them on the communication level.

What's the difference between process areas and processes?

Almost all company processes have their own domain which they relate to.

Processes area defined by methodology and are data-driven. Technically they are not strictly linked with process areas. However, process areas managed behaviour on the layer under the process definition.
For example: All helpdesk tickets from external customers are created in the area linked with the gateway for external tickets. The area has direct access, methods and functions related with the external helpdesk, which are slightly different from internal helpdesk and completely different from areas like order management.