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User documentation for decision.

Decision – data model


Description of the decision itself. Major object of the decision structure


Single variant in the decision. Weak entity dependent on the major entity tskDecision


Single user involved in the decision as voter or consultant. Linked with the decision and decision variant.


The table is both the relation table between user (involved in the decision) and the voting variant, but it also contains all data necessary to store about the user voting. That’s the relation table + object associated witý the relation.


Link to the role of persons that should be informed about the decision. Has nothing to do with voters or consultants but support managed information about the decision to the company.

Technical notes

Unsorted notes and recommendations about the object implementation. Not complete or consistent documentation

SQL and database

Decision variants

Variants of the decision are visible only for decision team in the view. It is limited by the view used for the list. Event signer or manager do not see them if they are not in the decision team.
If there would be a request to make them visible to somebody else, the view limit in the tskDecVar should be updated.

Client implementation

List and select role – strange list in the json

Decision uses the feature of the strange object that allows include list of (related) object to the json of the principal object. Roles linked with the decision as well as list to select them are both in the tskDecision json. It serves as a referential implementation of this feature:

  • name of the object should be in the parameters: "parameters": { "principalObject":"sysRole" }
    (It is necessary because it tells the univList view what ID field should be selected)

  • ID field should be in the list with {"type:"int", "visible":false}
    (Without that it won't be loaded.)

  • All fields are strange and must have type defined (server doesn't load attributes without type)