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Qualifications and Competencies

Definition of personal competencies.

Functionality used for quality management system as well as for human resource management.

Bundle of objects related with competency describes both

  • That a subject has competency
  • Some competency is necessary to complete some task or project

In general language, a competence interchanges qualification. However, although terms not equal, the AyMINE manages them together – traninngs, skills, competencis, competency and qualification are managed in the same way. Look here to read more about them

Competence user documentation is here.

Competence / Qualification – business model

The business model of the competency management is at the picture.

It does not include the human-resource point of view because that part is not managed by this module.

Competence and qualification business model

Competence – data model

E-R data model, qualification & competence
  • tskCompetence – definition of the competence
  • tskSubjectCompetence – relation between competence and user – description what user has what competence and conditions
  • tskCompetenceDemand – Request for the competence – from the task pattern, project pattern and real project. Describes relation that some competence is in the project. Links both competence directly and the project role (that's indirectly links the competence as well)

Personal competencies and qualifications


The major objects describe the competency itself. Description contains both data required a methodology as well as basic HR (human resource) data. However, functionality related with human-resource competency management is not included in the tsk module.

Competency is linked both with persons that have the competency as well as with activity descriptions that requires the competency


Relation between subject and competence describes, that a person has some a competence / qualification.

Person can have qualification only for some time period but also for several periods. That's why there could be several relations between single person and competency.

Competence utilisation


Competence demand is a weak entity that describes that a competence is necessary to complete some task or project. However, task demand is not linked directly with task but with the task definition (task pattern) as a part of the pattern definition.

Competence demand are also the project role. However, project roles are not the project team position, because single project member can occupy more project roles.


Competence-Role member is a relationship table that describes what user is nominated at which project position. As mentioned single person can have been assigned to the several roles.

Link to the project role

Competence is optionally linked project role. Project role is defined by methodology including required competencies that a person in the role should have.

Project could have role defined by methodology as well as role undefined – single project specific but roles without definition doesn’t have any formal definition.