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Object signs

Technically any system object could have user's defined private signs

Users' signs, mark, notes and evaluations are all stored in single objects sysUserObjectSign. However, selections for clips and lists with object marks shall support that adding the fields to the view

Set view to provide data for user

Be careful that fields for this marks have special names that are not the same with names from the table. Always use the view fields names:

   -- columns for flags and notes
   uos.uosMark, uos.uosFlag, uos.uosNote, uos.usrObjStatus
	left outer join syswUOSigns uos on 
      uos.uosUserID = u.sysUserID 
      AND uos.uosObjectName = ...systemObject
      AND uos.uosObjectID = ...ID

Activate user sings in view

View shows marks for object flags automatically when it has defied view parameter:

"parameters":{ "userSigns":true },

Back-end server functionality

Get information about user reading object

System object is created automatically when user first-time change the object flags. Typically there is object only when user set something, However, object is also used together with object notes to store information what object notes user already read. For notes the user notes are created automatically

However, modules could never user the sysUserObjectSign to store some user-related data about object. System module doesn’t guarantee that object is not deleted even when user already had values there.

User flags are automatically deleted

User defined object attributes are deleted in response to the message from the application server. Objects should raise the frm.objectDeleted system message. The message is captured by the system modules and deleted also the flags

All user’s flags are notes are automatically deleted when user’s account is deleted. They are not deleted for blocked user.