Licences – string functions
Licences for used library for string operation
Simple lightweight string operation library for Typescript.
No jQuery required! Unit tested, works with Angular.
import { String, StringBuilder } from 'typescript-string-operations';
var id = String.Empty;
var id = image.GetId();
return image;
var id = image.GetId()
String.Format("image_{0}.jpg", id)
output: "image_2db5da20-1c5d-4f1a-8fd4-b41e34c8c5b5.jpg";
Specifier available!
var value = String.Format("{0:L}", "APPLE"); //output "apple"
value = String.Format("{0:U}", "apple"); // output "APPLE"
value = String.Format("{0:d}", "2017-01-23 00:00"); //output "23.01.2017"
value = String.Format("{0:s}", "21.03.2017 22:15:01") //output "2017-03-21T22:15:01"
value = String.Format("{0:n}", 1000000);
//output "1.000.000"
value = String.Format("{0:00}", 1);
//output "01"
String Format for Objects including specifiers
var fruit = new Fruit();
fruit.type = "apple";
fruit.color = "RED";
fruit.shippingDate = new Date(2018, 1, 1);
fruit.amount = 10000;
String.Format("the {type:U} is {color:L} shipped on {shippingDate:s} with an amount of {amount:n}", fruit);
// output: the APPLE is red shipped on 2018-01-01 with an amount of 10.000
Specifier | Result |
L | LowerCase |
U | UpperCase |
d | ShortDatePattern |
s | SortableDateTimePattern |
n | Thousand seperator |
00 | Padding numbers |
var value = String.Join("; ", "Apple", "Banana");
//output: "Apple; Banana";
let object = { Name: "Foo", Value: "Bar" };
var value = String.Join('.', object);
//output: "Foo.Bar";
var array = ['Apple', 'Banana']
var value = String.Join("; ", array);
//output: "Apple; Banana";
Method | Type | Description | Parameter |
Empty | Property | simply returns "" . | |
IsNullOrWhiteSpace | Method | returns true value if given parameter is either null, empty or undefined. | format , args |
Format | Method | Converts the value of objects to strings based on the formats specified and inserts them into another string. | format , args |
Join | Method | Combines arguments delimited by given seperator. | delimiter ,args |
Join | Method | Combines arguments delimited by given seperator from array. | delimiter ,array |
Just like you know from C#,
var favoriteFruit: string = this.fruitService.getFavorite(); //Blueberries
var builder = new StringBuilder("My favorite fruits are: ");
builder.Append("Apples, ");
builder.Append("Bananas ");
// of course using String.Format()
builder.AppendFormat("and especially {0:U}!", favoriteFruit);
builder.AppendFormat(" I eat {0} every day!", 10);
var fruits = builder.ToString();
//output: "My favorite fruits are: Apples, Bananas and especially BLUEBERRIES! I eat 10 every day!";
Method | Type | Description | Parameter |
Append | Method | appends a string. | value |
AppendFormat | Method | see description for String.Format() | format , args |
Clear | Method | clears the StringBuilder | |
ToString | Method | creates the actual string. | |